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June 18, 2019Rev. James V. Schall: “Them Pearly Gates” – Revisited
June 18, 2019
By William Kilpatrick, Crisis Magazine, June 18, 2019
Has the Catholic Church been infiltrated by anti-Catholic forces intent on its destruction? That’s the thesis of Taylor Marshall’s new book, Infiltration: The Plot to Destroy the Church from Within.
The book has already generated a lot of controversy, with one critic accusing the author of “McCarthyism” and “wild assertions.” Marshall’s main assertion is that the Church has been infiltrated by Masons, Modernists, and communists who aim to change the Church’s mission “from something supernatural to something secular.”
Marshall uses the word “infiltration” in two senses: an infiltration of personnel and an infiltration of ideas, and it’s not always clear what sense he’s using. But in the main, he’s writing about the infiltration of ideas.
Indeed the primary document he refers to—The Permanent Instruction of the Alta Vendita—is less about the placement of agents than about the gradual introduction of a new climate of thought. The author of The Permanent Instruction admitted that it might take more than a century before the process produced “a pope according to our own heart.”….Read entire article…