Catholic Culture: Only 52% of US Bishops’ Catholic Relief Services Collection Actually Went to CRS
January 13, 2025Msgr. Charles Pope: The Bountiful Blessings of Baptism—A Homily for the Baptism of the Lord
January 13, 2025
By Rachel Quackenbush, CatholicVote, January 10, 2025
CV NEWS FEED // The Knights of Columbus recently unveiled its latest Pilgrim Icon Program, an initiative centered on devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. The program launched at St. Mary’s Church in New Haven, Connecticut, the birthplace of the Knights of Columbus, with a Sacred Heart Holy Hour Jan. 3.
At the core of the Knights’ initiative is a reproduction of the iconic 1767 painting of the Sacred Heart by Italian artist Pompeo Batoni. This image is featured on more than 300 replicas of the icon, each blessed by Pope Francis, that the Knights will bring to parishes worldwide, encouraging Catholics to grow closer to Christ’s love and mercy. …