By Marcellino D’Ambrosio, Ph.D., Catholic Exchange, Feb. 28, 2020
Dr. Marcellino D’Ambrosio writes from Texas.
As I crossed the great divide of puberty, I formed a vivid image of God. He was a grumpy old man with a frown on His face. Every time anyone tried to have a little fun, He’d shout “Thou shalt not!”
But to really live and not just exist, you had to do the daring, “sinful” things. What the Bible calls “sin” is where the action is.
This is what I was taught in the movies I watched and the books I read. It’s what I heard in the locker room and in the checkout line, from men and women, young and old. Everybody appeared to accept this as an unquestioned matter of fact.
Behind this widespread perception lay a very successful propaganda campaign unparalleled in the history of humanity. In fact it goes back to the very beginnings of humanity. To the Garden. ….
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