Let an ‘Unwanted’ Child Have the Best Day With You Today, by Grazie Pozo Christie

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Annie Spratt. Unsplash

By Grazie Pozo Christie, EWTN News,

Grazie Pozo Christie, M.D., is a Senior Fellow for The Catholic Association and host of the nationally syndicated radio show Conversations with Consequences on EWTN radio. She writes and speaks in both Spanish and English about Catholicism, religious freedom, and the intersection of faith and science. She lives with her husband and five children in the Miami area.

Our daughter was abandoned on a sidewalk in the depth of winter. We brought her home and gave her our hearts and taught her why all the trees change in the fall.

Grazie Pozo ChristieWhen you are pro-life and also a mother by adoption, there is one pro-choice argument that especially hurts. I’m sure you’ve heard it: “An unwanted baby is destined for a bad life. Abortion is probably better for that child.”

That’s very hard to swallow when you love a child who was unwanted.

My own daughter was abandoned at birth, on a sidewalk in the depth of winter. She was wrapped in a yellow blanket and her umbilical cord was still attached. She was an “unwanted” child — an inconvenient person whose presence in this world comes with a whole set of challenges and dangers to her birth parents. Today she is a cheerful, pretty, teenage girl who delights us every day. ….

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