LifeNews: 490 Babies Saved From Abortion in Latest 40 Days for Life Prayer Event

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By Shawn Carney, LifeNews, March 26, 2018

WASHINGTON, DC – The largest (and, in many places, the coldest) Lenten 40 Days for Life campaign so far has ended – thank you for helping save so many lives!

We have a big event coming up to share the life-saving results … so watch your email this week for details!

Reports are still coming in … but local 40 Days for Life leaders tell us that as of now, they’re aware of 490 babies in 354 locations around the world whose mothers have rejected abortion and chosen life!

In many cases, all it took was the simple act of showing up to pray on the sidewalk.

Cincinnati, Ohio

A woman outside the Planned Parenthood abortion center told 40 Days for Life participants in Cincinnati that she is pregnant … and a Christian.

“She’d had an abortion before and said she would never do that again,” a volunteer related, “but she didn’t know what else to do. So she scheduled an abortion … and paid the deposit.”

But thankfully, she saw people praying at the vigil … and went back to Planned Parenthood to get her deposit back. The volunteers then walked with her to the pregnancy help center about two blocks away, where she was greeted with open arms and life-affirming options.

Mary, the Cincinnati leader, said that although this woman was aware deep down that abortion was the wrong choice, without 40 Days for Life volunteers present, “she might not have known there was any place that could help her … and may have rescheduled the abortion.”

Boston, Massachusetts

As a small group prayed outside Planned Parenthood in Boston, a woman walked out of the building … and over to them.

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“She was beaming, radiant with joy,” said one of the vigil participants, “and just had to share her good news that she was keeping her child and not going to have an abortion!”

The woman thanked them profusely, saying “she was grateful to all of us for being there!”

She got into the car that had arrived to pick her up … but rolled down the window and continued thanking the 40 Days for Life participants.

“I am trying to give you a sense of her joy,” said the volunteer who related this story. “I do think her decision to keep her child was in some very real way an answer to all of our prayers and prayerful presence.” Note: Shawn Carney is the campaign director for the 40 Days for Life pro-life prayer campaign against abortion.