LIFENEWS: Miracle Triplets Celebrate Their First Birthday After Mom’s Doctor Told Her to Abort Two of Them

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LONDON, ENGLAND – In England, a woman who refused abortion is getting ready to celebrate her triplets first birthday. In 2014, Liz Brewer was told that it was unlikely that her babies would survive unless she killed two of them to save the other. This practice is known as “selective reduction” and is common when women conceive through in vitro fertilization. However, Liz conceived naturally after suffering two miscarriages. Brewer gave birth to twins a few years before her pregnancy with triplets but one of them died 16 days after birth.

As LifeNews previously reported, the general technique used for selective reduction is plunging a needle filled with potassium chloride into the heart of the targeted baby. Soon after the chemical enters the baby’s heart, the baby ceases to move and her heart stops. This type of abortion is performed 9 to 13 weeks into pregnancy to make sure the dead babies’ bodies dissolve and in some cases, the baby moves around before dying.

Dr. Mark Evans, an abortionist infamous for selective reduction abortions, admits that the procedure reduces the chances of survival for the remaining babies anywhere from 7 to 22%. He also said that miscarriage is likely in large pregnancies even after “reduction.”

Liz told the Daily Mail more about her pregnancy with triplets.

She said, “I had an early scan at five weeks as they thought it was an ectopic pregnancy due to the pain I was in, but I was delighted to find out it was twins. Two weeks later we went back for another scan and I said to the lady doing the scan that I always had a feeling I would have triplets, but I knew it was fine as it was twins again. She turned round and said ‘it’s funny you should say that as I think there’s a third one so I need to go and get someone to check.’ She left my husband and I stunned in the room, but we couldn’t help smiling at what a miracle this was and how amazing it would be.”

Remarkably, Liz was carrying a pair of identical twins split from one egg and a separate baby. The pregnancy was scary for Liz’s family because she suffered two big bleeds at 13 and 16 weeks and they thought she had another miscarriage.

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She explained, “There was a high chance that the single baby would have Downs Syndrome and the test was meant to be that day. I had a big bleed the night before we were supposed to go for the test. I could have lost all the babies if I’d had the amino so I think it was my body’s way of telling me not to do it. They offered me a selective reduction, to abort the twins and keep the baby that was at a high risk of Downs. It suddenly makes you think about if you are putting your babies at risk. If I gave birth at 25 weeks again, would they all be able to survive?”

Apparently Liz’s doctors also asked her if she thought she could handle raising triplets. She said, “They asked if we would be able to cope with three babies, but that’s not something that even crossed our minds. I couldn’t give up. I was blessed with three babies.”

Liz says that her triplets were born healthy at 34-weeks and they have helped her heal from her past miscarriages and the death of one of her sons. She explained, “It has been an amazing ending to our pregnancies and has helped to heal us. We will never forget our first-born son but the triplets have enabled us to have a very different ending to our story and we know we would never have had them had we not lost our son.”

She concluded, “We had two little boys and a girl, which was a shock because we just assumed it would be three more boys. All babies came up to the ward with us, but later that day Deacon’s blood sugars dropped and he had to go to special care. He spent seven days there and then came and joined us on the ward and we went home together two days later as they had all established breastfeeding.”