Daily Reading & Meditation: Thursday (January 18)
January 18, 2018Margaret Sanger Is Smiling
January 18, 2018
President Trump will become the first president to speak to the March for Life via a live video feed. Presidents Ronald Reagan, George Bush, and George W Bush all addressed the March for Life as well with pro-life remarks. There remarks were typically pre-taped or they were aired via a live phone call to March for Life participants. With better technology available today, a live video stream is more easily accomplished.
President Trump was supposed to send remarks to the March for Life last year but did not do so because ice President Mike Pence and Trump advisor Kellyanne Conway were slated to speak at the event to represent the White House.
Last year Trump called out the mainstream media for essentially ignoring the March for Life.
Wednesday night was a major first for Donald Trump as ABC aired his very first interview as the president of the United States. The interview questions ranged from immigration policy to what carpet he chose for the Oval Office (Ronald Reagan’s), but things got awkward for interviewer David Muir when he tried to stick Trump with questions about the Women’s March on Saturday, “Let me just ask you while we’re standing outside, could you hear the voices from the Women’s March here in Washington.”
“No, I couldn’t hear them. The crowds were large, but you will have a large crowd on Friday, too, which is mostly pro-life people,” Trump informed Muir before hammering him for the media’s long history of blatantly ignoring the annual March for Life in Washington, DC:
You’re going to have a lot of people coming on Friday. And I will say this, and I didn’t realize this. But I was told. You will have a very large crowd of people. I don’t know as large or larger. Some people said it will be larger. Pro-life people and they say the press doesn’t cover them.
Muir was caught completely off guard and was left stuttering by the turn of events. “I don’t want to compare crowd sizes again. I – I—I,” he said, trying to scramble away from the issue of liberal media bias against conservatives.
But Trump wouldn’t let it go and pressed Muir further, “No, you should—But let me just tell you. What you do say is that the press doesn’t cover them.” That was followed by a hard cut to another camera angle, which was strange since the original shot was keeping pace with the pair as they walked down the colonnade towards the West Wing.
“You know, the press never gives them the credit that they deserve. They’ll have three hundred, four hundred, five hundred, six hundred thousand people, you won’t even read about it,” he said.