Jones would not have stood a remote chance of defeating Roy Moore without that massive support. There was nothing exciting or exceptional about Doug Jones to inspire voters.
The people of Alabama were taken for a ride and deprived by these unethical forces of electing a Senator who would truly represent their principles. If I were from Alabama I would be enraged over this abuse of my state’s Democratic process by all those powerful and wealthy outsiders.
But there is an even much worse outcome of the election. That is, Doug Jones owes Soros big time. That will certainly translate into voting and other actions as a U.S. senator that must advance the Soros New World Order. He is now a Soros puppet.
Jones also perversely owes Republican McConnell for the reportedly $30 million that the self-destructing Republican establishment spent to defeat their own party’s candidate. They did nothing for Moore at all.
Senate numbers have now gone from 52 Republicans and 48 Democrats to 51-49. That is a razor thin margin, especially considering that at least three Republicans Senators are anti-Trump, liberal RINO (Republicans in Name Only).
With the Senate balance between Republicans and Democrats now so extremely close, Trump’s revolutionary, conservative and constitutional government-restoring agenda is in greater danger. That puts the nation and, by extension, even the world in danger. Had Moore been elected we would have seen many more great things happening because of the critically strengthened conservative balance in the Senate. That one extra vote would have made a huge difference.
Brietbart News reported that Pastor Kenneth Glasgow led the Soros, far-leftist political machine in Alabama, It stated,
Glasgow, half-brother of the Rev. Al Sharpton and described by the New York Times as a “onetime criminal,” envisioned a decade ago that if convicts could vote, “There would be a lot of difference in our legislators, our elected officials and our presidents that we’ve had.” He said, “It would definitely change the political spectrum of Alabama.” Glasgow now hopes that people with criminal records “swarming the polls” can give the win to Jones.
He achieved just that. Breitbart noted that he “successfully registered thousands of felons across Alabama in recent weeks.” It was further reported,
Glasgow is the president of the Ordinary People Society (TOPS) and former leader of the radical Free Alabama Movement (FAM), which has worked with many radical left organizations, such as the Industrial Workers of the World and the Anarchist Black Cross Federation.