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September 4, 2018 (LifeSiteNews) – LifeSiteNews is pleased to provide a running list of bishops and cardinals who have expressed public support for investigating the claims of Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò. Many on the list have also expressed support for Viganò himself, praising his “integrity” and calling him honest and loyal.
The former apostolic nuncio to the U.S. accused Pope Francis in an August 22, 2018 detailed testimony of covering up for now ex-Cardinal McCarrick despite knowing of McCarrick’s serial sexual abuse of seminarians and priests.
This list is organized chronologically. It will be updated with new information as it becomes available.
Please contact Stephen Kokx ( if you come across new statements by bishops supporting an investigation into Archbishop Viganò’s allegations.
Bishop Athanasius Schneider, Astana, Kazakhstan: August 22, 2018 – “There is…no reasonable and plausible cause to doubt the truth content of the document of Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò.” “Ruthlessness and transparency in detecting and in confessing the evils in the life of the Church will help to initiate an efficient process of spiritual and moral purification and renewal.”
Bishop Joseph Strickland, Diocese of Taylor, Texas: August 26, 2018 – “Let us be clear that they are still allegations but as your shepherd I find them to be credible. Using this standard the response must be a thorough investigation.”
Cardinal Raymond Burke: August 27, 2018 – “The declarations made by a prelate of the authority of Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò must be totally taken to heart by those responsible in the Church…Each declaration must be subject to investigation, according to the Church’s time-tried procedural law.”
Bishop Robert Morlino, Diocese of Madison, Wisconsin: August 27, 2018 – “During his tenure as our Apostolic Nuncio, I came to know Archbishop Viganò both professionally and personally…I remain deeply convinced of his honesty, loyalty to and love for the Church, and impeccable integrity.” “The criteria for credible allegations are more than fulfilled, and an investigation, according to proper canonical procedures, is certainly in order.”
Cardinal Daniel DiNardo, Archbishop of Galveston-Houston, Texas: August 27, 2018 – “On August 1st, I promised that USCCB would exercise the full extent of its authority, and would advocate before those with greater authority, to pursue the many questions surrounding Archbishop McCarrick….The recent letter of Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò brings particular focus and urgency to this examination. The questions raised deserve answers that are conclusive and based on evidence.”
Archbishop Allen Vigneron, Archdiocese of Detroit, Michigan: August 27, 2018 – “We have nothing to fear in facing squarely the allegations made by Archbishop Viganò. I join with the priests and people of the Archdiocese of Detroit in praying for the triumph of truth and transparency – and praying that it comes quickly. Whether the Archbishop’s claims are confirmed or proved to be unfounded, the truth which comes to light will show us the sure path to the purification and reform of the Church.”
Bishop Jaime Soto, Diocese of Sacramento, California: August 27, 2018 – “The concerns raised by the former nuncio, Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò, are serious and call for an honest, transparent response.”
Bishop Larry Silva, Diocese of Honolulu, Hawaii: August 27, 2018 – “I pray that the investigation he calls for will go forward with all honesty to reveal the truth, so that we can all be healed of this terrible cancer that has infected the life of our Church. Please redouble your prayers and sacrifices so that the Holy Spirit will lead us to all truth.”
Auxiliary Bishop Robert Barron, Archdiocese of Los Angeles: August 27, 2018 — “Some things seemed very driven by emotion. But other things seemed far more substantive and specific and — at least he claims — tied to documentation. Is it worth looking at? Yes. You bet. This is not some minor player. This is the former Apostolic Nuncio to the United States. When I was at my first meeting after first becoming a bishop, it was Archbishop Viganò who rose to speak to us on behalf of the Pope. So this is not an insubstantial figure, and he’s making some serious claims. I’d say look into them. Let’s take an honest, objective look at what’s being claimed here.”
Bishop Thomas J. Olmsted, Diocese of Phoenix, Arizona: August 28, 2018 – “Although I have no knowledge of the information that he reveals in his written testimony of August 22, 2018, so I cannot personally verify its truthfulness, I have always known and respected him as a man of truthfulness, faith and integrity.” “I ask that Archbishop Viganò’s testimony be taken seriously by all, and that every claim that he makes be investigated thoroughly.” “Whoever has covered up these shameful acts must be brought to the light of day.”
Bishop Thomas Paprocki, Diocese of Springfield, Illinois: August 28, 2018– “Given the gravity of the content and implications of the former Nuncio’s statement, it is important for all the facts of this situation to be fully reviewed, vetted, and carefully considered. Toward that end, Pope Francis, Vatican officials and the current Apostolic Nuncio should make public the pertinent files indicating who knew what and when about Archbishop (formerly Cardinal) McCarrick and provide the accountability that the Holy Father has promised.”
Archbishop Paul Coakley, Archdiocese of Oklahoma City, Oklahoma: August 28, 2018 – “I have the deepest respect for Archbishop Viganó and his personal integrity.” “This document merits, indeed it demands deeper examination and verification of each of its claims.” “I am deeply troubled by the assertions contained in this unprecedented document.”
Bishop Carl Kemme, Diocese of Wichita: August 29, 2018 – “In the brief time that my service here as bishop and his service as papal nuncio coincided, I always thought highly of his leadership and regarded him as someone whom the Church could be proud of in her service.” “The allegations of such a respected bishop in the Church and one charged with such great responsibility as the papal nuncio to the United States demands…an investigation.”
Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone, Archdiocese of San Francisco: August 29, 2018 – “I can attest that he is a man who served his mission with selfless dedication, who fulfilled well the Petrine mission entrusted to him by the Holy Father to ‘strengthen his brothers in the faith’.” Viganó’s revelations “must be taken seriously.” “I join my voice to that of other bishops in calling for such an investigation and for taking any corrective action that may be necessary in light of its findings,”
Bishop Kevin Vann, Diocese of Orange, California: August 29, 2018 – “Given the grave accusations leveled by the former apostolic nuncio, I believe that it is necessary for the Holy Father to ensure that a competent investigation be undertaken swiftly. The truth of each accusation having been established, just penalties should be imposed upon those found guilty with the goal of repairing scandal and restoring justice.” “I would add that I see Archbishop Viganò as a man of integrity, having known him for many years.”
Auxiliary Bishop Timothy Freyer, Diocese of Orange, California: August 29, 2018 –Added his name to Bishop Kevin Vann’s letter
Auxiliary Bishop Thanh Thai Nguyen, Diocese of Orange, California: August 29, 2018 – Added his name to Bishop Kevin Vann’s letter
Archbishop Samuel Aquila, Archdiocese of Denver, Colorado: August 30, 2018 – “In my interactions with Archbishop Vigano I have found him to be a man of deep faith and integrity. I join Cardinal DiNardo and the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops’ Executive Committee in calling for the Holy See to conduct a thorough investigation that includes granting authority to a lay commission to examine the many questions that surround Archbishop McCarrick, such as who was involved in covering-up his gravely immoral behavior or failed to act to stop it.”
Bishop Thomas Tobin, Diocese of Providence, Rhode Island: August 30, 2018 – “The allegations lodged by Archbishop Viganò involving Pope Francis are substantive, and need to be investigated in a prompt and just manner.” The “present impasse in the Church, unfolding on an international level, has caused confusion and division among the faithful, even locally.” “Only Pope Francis can resolve the serious crisis in which the Church now finds herself, and I respectfully urge His Holiness to address this matter as soon as possible. The future direction of the Church, its spiritual welfare, and the faith of God’s people, are at stake.”
Archbishop Joseph Naumann, Archdiocese of Kansas City, Kansas: August 31, 2018 – “In my experience of Archbishop Vigano during his tenure as apostolic nuncio, he was a man of integrity. There are also respected sources that are contesting elements of Archbishop Vigano’s statement. This development makes it even more imperative that we embrace Cardinal DiNardo’s commitment to pursue the truth of why McCarrick was allowed to continue to exercise public ministry and continue in the College of Cardinals, when his sexual misconduct and abuse of power were already known. We must do all that we can to ascertain the truth and then allow the chips to fall where they may.”
Bishop Daniel Thomas, Diocese of Toledo, Ohio: August 31, 2018 – “I stand united with Cardinal Daniel DiNardo, President of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) and the Executive Committee in calling the Holy See to conduct a prompt and thorough examination.” “It is not only a critical, but a moral obligation, to get to the truth surrounding who in the Church knew of Archbishop McCarrick’s behavior and whether there was a concerted effort to protect him. Personally, this situation is made all the more gut-wrenching as I struggle to reconcile my knowledge of Archbishop Viganó, for whom I have a high regard, with my deepest love and respect for the office of the Holy Father.”
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