Living in a Messy Church, by Eric Sammons

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September 18, 2023
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September 19, 2023

By Eric Sammons, Crisis Magazine, Sept. 18, 2023

Eric Sammons is the editor-in-chief of Crisis Magazine.


The “mess” in the Church today is reflected in the total lack of order found in ecclesial appointments and suspensions. The unfaithful are rewarded while the faithful are disciplined.

Eric SammonsPope Francis wanted a mess; Pope Francis got a mess. The recent news that he will ask for Bishop Joseph Strickland’s resignation is just the latest example. But like a bad infomercial that continually promises even more features, “That’s not all!”

Cardinal-designate Archbishop Víctor Manuel Fernández, the new head of the dicastery in charge of defending the Faith recently spouted heretical concepts of a “doctrine of the Holy Father.” Fr. James Altman, a priest who was removed from public ministry for his conservative political opinions, now asserts that Jorge Borgoglio isn’t really the pope. Cardinal Jean-Pierre Ricard, who would be a voting member if a conclave were held today, has admitted to sexually abusing a 14-year-old girl yet has received no discipline from the Vatican. The German bishops are openly defying Church teaching with nary a peep from the pope or the Vatican. …

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