Making Room for the Common Good, by Dr. Jeff Mirus

100 Years of Legal Abortion: Happy ‘Birthday,’ Subhumanism, by Jason Jones & John Zmirak
November 19, 2020
Daily Scripture Reading and Meditation: Know the Time of Your Visitation
November 19, 2020

By Dr. Jeff Mirus, Catholic Culture, Nov. 17, 2020

Jeffrey Mirus holds a Ph.D. in intellectual history from Princeton University. A co-founder of Christendom College, he also pioneered Catholic Internet services. He is the founder of Trinity Communications and See full bio.

In a fascinating front-page article in last week’s National Catholic Register (With or Without Trump, 2020 Election Indicates Opportunities for Republican Party), Jonathan Liedl documents a surprising increase in multiracial support for the Republican Party. It will take time for all the data to be solidified and interpreted, but it appears that the GOP increased its percentage of non-white voters in 2020 as compared with 2016, up 5 percent overall (including increases of 4% among Blacks and Latinos and 2% among Asian voters).

While this brought the non-white percentage in 2020 up to only 26% (12% of Blacks, 32% of Latinos, and 31% of Asians), Liedl and those he interviewed suggest that there is an opportunity for the Republicans to create an effective “fusion of social conservatism and multiracial, economic populism”. Among trends over the past ten years or so which accentuate this possibility, I see (a) the tendency of big business in America now to be very liberal and, in particular, supportive of the radical agenda represented by “gay rights”; and (b) the increasing marginalization within the Democratic Party of any and all who adhere to Christian or natural law morality (which are the same thing, even when that is not recognized).  …

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