Cardinal Dolan Endorses Fr. James Martin’s New LGBT Activism Group, by Raymond Wolfe
July 20, 2022Don’t Criminalize Women for Abortion, by David G Bonagura, Jr.
July 21, 2022
By Fr. Paul John Kalchik, Church Militant, July 19, 2022
The battle is far from lost!

When I find myself down and out, because of the rampant evil in the world, I take a breather and revisit Genesis 3:15, which affirms: “She shall crush thy head, and thou shalt lie in wait for her heel.” In that final battle, Mary will ultimately be victorious while Satan will be defeated and carted off to the pit by St. Michael. But in the interim, in anticipation of that glorious day, Christ’s disciples should praise Our Lord for the many smaller victories Our Blessed Mother wins on our behalf.
Late one night a few years ago, Our Blessed Mother demonstrated to me this crushing of Satan’s head. Perhaps it wasn’t the “big man himself,” but one of his minions did get checked. I had retired to bed, just to be awoken to shouts and screams. When I peeked through the front window, I saw three men — two cops with a man, all wrestling in front of the house at the foot of my Blessed Mother statue inside the spiked wrought iron fence.
After the two cops subdued the man, I ventured outside with keys in hand and opened the front gate for the police. Once the perpetrator was safely secured in a squad car, the police explained what had transpired. ….
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