If you want to get somewhere, you have to follow the map.
By Anthony DeStefano, National Catholic Register, July 17, 2023
Anthony DeStefano is the author of 25 Christian books, including 30 Days to Your New Life: A Guide to Transforming Yourself from Head to Soul.
A recent Pew Research Center survey found 29% of U.S. adults said they had no religious affiliation, an increase of 6% from 2016. And according to the poll, Millennials are leading the shift away from organized religion. This echoes a previous Gallup poll, which confirmed a gradual deterioration in the confidence of Americans in organized religion over the past several decades.
What a strange trend! Imagine if you needed bypass surgery and your cardiologist said to you, “I love performing complex heart surgery, but I’ve never actually studied the procedure. I just go by feel.” Or if someone wanted you to invest in a business scheme and told you, “I have no business plan, no budget numbers, no organizational chart — but give me all your money anyway because my idea is great.” …