Memorial of Saint John Vianney, by M.C. Holbrook

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Canvas depicting the Curé of Ars exhibited in the chapel of Providence in Ars (photo: Benoît Prieur, CC0, via Wikimedia Commons)

By M.C. Holbrook, Catholic Exchange, August 2, 2024

M.C. Holbrook is a homeschooling mother of ten and author of the series, The Safe Haven: Scriptural Reflections for the Heart and Home. Originally from New York City, Holbrook received a Bachelor’s degree in Human Development and Family Studies from Cornell University, and a Master’s degree in School Counseling from New York University. Holbrook enjoys meals with her family, prayer with her friends, and a hot cup of coffee each morning with the Word of God.


Go out to all the world and tell the Good News. (Mk 16:15)

Avatar photoSt. John Vianney was a simple parish priest who pastored a church in the tiny town of Ars, France. He was sent to Ars with just one mission: to bring love and religion to a town for which both were all but gone. It would have been an overwhelming, if not impossible task.

Why the loss of religion in that town? For the same reason that religion had all but disappeared in almost all of France; the French Revolution had managed to strike down and nearly wipe out entirely the faith of the people, leaving untold numbers both uneducated as well as uninterested in all things religious. Many in Ars no longer even believed in God.  …

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