Michael Matt Explains How Catholics Can Unite Against the Disorder of the Francis Pontificate, by John-Henry Westen

Praying the Rosary for An End to the Evil of Abortion, by Susan Ciancio
October 6, 2023
Rome Is Falling! Rome Is Falling! by H. W. Crocker III
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By John-Henry Westen, LifeSiteNews, Oct 5, 2023

(LifeSiteNews) — We are in the midst of the Synod on Synodality, a storm we have seen coming for years. We are all well aware of the potential problems it will present to Catholics and the potential challenges to defined dogma. Strong Catholic leaders have already stood up to fight, as we saw with a new set of dubia this week. Yet how do we join them in the fight against the modernist revolution in the Church?

Joining me on this episode of The John-Henry Westen Show is Michael Matt of The Remnant to discuss his plan to “unite the clans” and help confused Catholics navigate this confusing time. He also offers his take on whether Francis is the pope or not.

Matt’s solution to “unite the clans” is, to him, not “overcomplicated.” While some would think that such a solution would entail Fraternity of St. Peter (FSSP) priests, Society of St. Pius X (SSPX) priests, sedevacantists, and others to unite for success, Matt offers a simpler solution, based on the etymology of the word “clan.” To Matt, uniting the “clans” simply entails uniting families and the broader Christian family around the world. …