By Kevin McGary, The Stream, Feb. 4, 2023
Kevin McGary is an entrepreneur, author, and public speaker. In the arena of civic engagement, Kevin serves as Chairman of the Frederick Douglass Foundation of California, and is an executive with the Douglass Leadership Institute and the Northstar Leadership PAC. He is president and co-founder of Every Black Life Matters.
Unfathomable Molech and Baal child sacrifices are “ancient history,” right? Not so! Unfathomable child sacrifices continue unabated!
Biblical and ancient history describes abominable practices and unfathomable rituals that were dedicated to the idol gods Molech and Baal. Rituals to these gods required live sacrifices of children. Innocent, defenseless children were put into fiery furnaces and burned to death as a sacrifice to the gods. Any moral person would view these grotesque ancient rituals as savage and inhumane. Regrettably, monstrous forms of child sacrifice continue to this very day.
Molech Sacrifices
The Bible confirms Molech was an idol god depicted as a bronze statue. The bronze statue had the face of a bull, multiple chambers, and an opening in the “stomach.” The stomach of Molech burned intensely hot, and this is where children would be placed or thrown in and burned alive. While parents threw their children into the fire as a sacrifice to Molech, they were motivated by the notion “the hotter the fire, the better.” (Imagine that.) Unfortunately, the evil didn’t stop with Molech sacrifices; Baal rituals were just as grotesque. …
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