More Catholic Than the Bishops, by Bradley Eli

Chief Justice John Roberts Sides with Liberal Justices as Supreme Court Rules in Favor of Restrictions on Religious Services, by Charlie Spiering
May 30, 2020
Msgr. Charles Pope: I Have Come to Cast A Fire on the Earth – A Homily for Pentecost Sunday
June 1, 2020

By Bradley Eli, M.Div., Ma.Th., Church Militant, May 29, 2020

Protestant pastors challenge lockdowns



Protestant leaders are outshining Catholics — and especially the bishops — in the fight for religious freedom.

One Mississippi pastor even watched his church burn to the ground after reopening it in the face of orders from a Democratic mayor in a state with a Republican governor.

As fear of the Wuhan virus quickly closed Catholic dioceses across the nation, Catholic bishops complied.

Heavy-handed Democratic governors were more severe with restrictions than Republican governors.

Protestant pastors outshined Catholic bishops in resisting such measures in various blue states.   ….

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