Msgr. Charles Pope: Pope Francis Must Lead Church in Formal Repentance for Pachamama Idolatry (Video) by Claire Chretien 

Daily Reading & Meditation: Monday (November 25)
November 25, 2019
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November 25, 2019

People kneel to Pachamama during pagan rite in Vatican Gardens prior to opening of Amazon Synod, Oct. 4, 2019.

By Claire Chretien, LifeSiteNews, November 22, 2019

Claire ChretienWASHINGTON, D.C. – Popular blogger priest Monsignor Charles Pope has called on the Holy Father to “lead the Church in a formal act of reparation and repentance” for the idolatrous worship of the pagan goddess “Pachamama” in Rome.

Speaking with LifeSiteNews on Saturday after a Solemn High Pontifical Latin Mass at which he assisted, Msgr. Pope called the October 4 ceremony in the Vatican gardens, during which participants – including at least one Franciscan religious – prostrated themselves before the unclothed, red-wombed wooden statues “just heartbreaking.” As the ritual took place, Pope Francis looked on.

“I couldn’t believe what I was seeing,” said Msgr. Pope, pastor of Holy Comforter-St. Cyprian parish in the nation’s capital.

“What the Pope knew at the time or not, I’m not gonna get into that. I don’t know,” said Msgr. Pope. “But now that he knows what was going on…he himself referred to it as ‘Pachamama,’ my hope is that he will now lead the church in a formal act of reparation and repentance for what happened. That’s my hope and I’m praying for that.” ….

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