In the Reign of Mary, a society admirably surpassing everything we can imagine will appear, like new wine. Through the supplications of the Queen of Heaven and earth, it will be like a lily born in the mud, amid the tempest.

At the beginning of the twentieth century, when the outline of a world emerging from the Allied victory of the First World War was just beginning to be traced out in timid strokes, one of the most significant episodes in contemporary history took place: the Mother of God appeared and brought a Message to humanity.

This Message entered upon the scene at a crucial moment. Impiety and impurity was spreading across the globe to such an extent, that to awaken men, a veritable hecatomb − the Great War − had struck, as the Most Holy Virgin affirmed to the little shepherd children. Nevertheless, the conflagration would end a short time after her apparitions, giving sinners an opportunity to amend their lives.

Therefore, at the Cova da Iria Our Lady called attention to a prodigious crisis in society, which, at heart, was the consequence of a religious crisis, and which would lead to a catastrophe that was much more moral than political. It would be a scourge for humanity, if the latter did not heed the voice of the Queen of prophets. And, in this case, other evils would follow: wars and persecutions of the Church and the Pope, martyrs; several nations would be annihilated. Thus, Our Lady indicated the scope of a calamity that would attain worldwide proportions, but at the end of which her Immaculate Heart would triumph. …