Msgr. Richard C. Antall, Crisis Magazine, Aug. 7, 2024
Monsignor Antall is pastor of Holy Name Parish in the Diocese of Cleveland. He is the author of The X-Mass Files (Atmosphere Press, 2021), and The Wedding (Lambing Press, 2019).
The Neo-paganism evident in the expensive show put on for the opening of the Olympics was just another example in a long history of official French ultra-secularist de-Christianization.
The latest sacrilegious controversy from France had the contradiction of an extremely bold anti-Christian symbolism joined with outright official lying about it. Although it has been common to call the drag show dramatization “blasphemous,” I understand that blasphemy is usually verbal or written, while sacrilege has to do with physical acts about religious persons, places, or things. The offensive tableau was sacrilegious.
The official denials of the offensiveness of the presentation were in the face of overwhelming obviousness of the connection with the Last Supper. Even though participants attempted to erase their comments admitting the sacrilegious nature of the show, the pathetic official denial was surprising in its implications: ….