On Monuments and Memory
August 25, 2017It’s a Culture War, Stupid
August 25, 2017
WASHINGTON, DC – NFL star Ben Watson is one of those rare celebrities who speaks out for the lives of unborn babies.
The Baltimore Ravens tight end recently told Turning Point Pregnancy Resource Center in San Diego that he believes abortion is “the ultimate form of racism.”
“I do know that blacks kind of represent a large portion of the abortions, and I do know that honestly the whole idea with Planned Parenthood and [founder Margaret] Sanger in the past was to exterminate blacks,” said Watson, an African American. “And it’s kind of ironic that it’s working.”
As Watson said, abortions are disproportionately high in the black community. According to census data, African Americans make up about 13 percent of the U.S. population but have about 30 percent of the abortions. African-American teenage abortion rates are more than twice as high as the national average. The African American abortion rate is 41 per 1,000 women ages 15 to 19, according to a study conducted by the Guttmacher Institute. The national average abortion rate is 18 per 1,000 women ages 15 to 19.
Research indicates that the abortion industry targets minorities, too. One study found that 79 percent of Planned Parenthood surgical abortion facilities are within walking distance of African American and Hispanic neighborhoods.
Watson, a Christian husband and father of five, said he believes every human life is intrinsically valuable.
“If you are someone who cares about life period, then you have to care about it from conception all the way up to death,” Watson said. “To me, being pro-life means that you hold all life very dear and you understand that all life was created by God and that because of that, life has internal, intrinsic value, whether it’s capable of living on its own at that point or whether it is capable of living on its own at the end of its life.”
The NFL star previously said he is sympathetic to women who are struggling with an unplanned pregnancy. Watson also said many men are not stepping up to help their children and the women in their lives like they should. He urged fathers to take responsibility for their actions.
“He need to be there to support her through the physical changes of the pregnancy, and help and provide emotional strength, and do it together,” Watson continued. “As much as he has a role in making the baby in the first place, it needs to take both of them the whole way through.”
In 2015, after the Center for Medical Progress began releasing undercover videos about Planned Parenthood’s baby body parts trade, Watson wasn’t shy about speaking up for unborn babies either.
He posted on his Facebook wall:
As horrific as it is, the issue isn’t really the sale of human parts. It’s the legal practice that allows this to even be a possibility. Killing children and simply discarding the leftovers is not any more acceptable than profiting off of them. #PlannedParenthood
Asked if he faced backlash for his comments, Watson told Turning Point, “I won’t say I’m not afraid, and I will say that I’ve received some flack for some of the things I’ve said … I decided that you know, if the spirit of God has prompted me to say something, I’m gonna trust in God and say it.”