On the Coronavirus and Public Masses, by Dr. Jeff Mirus

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By Dr. Jeff Mirus, Catholic Culture, Mar 17, 2020

Jeffrey Mirus holds a Ph.D. in intellectual history from Princeton University. A co-founder of Christendom College, he also pioneered Catholic Internet services. He is the founder of Trinity Communications and CatholicCulture.org. See full bio.

It is axiomatic for journalism, talk radio shows, daytime TV, and countless other outlets for news and commentary that to be successful you must ride the big stories. The reason is obvious: Because that’s what those who consume your media are doing—yes, even when it becomes overwhelmingly boring. Therefore, our news coverage has been full of the Coronavirus, and my twice-weekly Insights messages have also highlighted that annoying subject.

Phil Lawler weighed in last Thursday with the thought that it might be both smarter and spiritually more salutary to make more Masses available, not fewer, allowing people to space themselves more safely throughout the local church (see Just don’t take away the Mass). Moreover, many of us see outdoor Masses as an excellent solution as the weather warms.

Fr. Jerry Pokorsky posted his thoughts yesterday in Pondering the Pandemic. After a balanced discussion of the issue, he closed on the reality that the Church should not simply follow the directives of political leaders. I don’t think he meant that public Masses can never be curtailed for any reason. Rather, this must always be under the control of the Church, which has supreme authority in the spiritual realm. The Church is not to be held subordinate to the State in spiritual matters.  ….

Read more here:  https://www.catholicculture.org/commentary/on-coronavirus-and-public-masses/