Our Catholic DNA, by Suellen Brewster

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Photo by National Cancer Institute on Unsplash

By Suellen Brewster, Catholic Exchange,

Suellen Brewster is a wife, mother, and happy revert to the Catholic faith. She helps lead the local Ignatian Exercises and is a member of the Dominican laity. Suellen writes from her home outside of Buffalo, New York, where the long winters invite souls into quiet prayer and reflection.

Avatar photoHave you ever had your DNA tested to determine your ancestral origins? I have, and it is fascinating. It doesn’t change a thing about us to know this information, but somehow it lends a sense of rootedness in human history and gives our longing for heaven a new facet.

Much like when I had my DNA done, and I was surprised at the unknown, huge amount of German ancestry I have, “Dominican” was a sleeper in my spiritual life—until I was drawn to the order about seven years ago. Now it has become the most important part of my spirituality, the dominant part, as I have made my lifetime profession as a member of the Dominican Laity. …

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