Our Exaggerated Concern for “Community”, by James Baresel

We Victims of ‘Victimless Crimes’, by David Carlin
October 28, 2022
Daily Scripture Reading and Meditation: Blessed Is He Who Comes in the Name of the Lord!
October 28, 2022

By James Baresel, Crisis Magazine, Oct. 28, 2022

James Baresel is a freelance writer. Publications for which he has written include Tudor Life, Catholic World Report, American History, Fine Art Connoisseur, Military History, Catholic Herald, Claremont Review of Books, Adoremus Bulletin, New Eastern Europe and America’s Civil War.

By now it may seem that almost everything which might be said
 about the two major points of controversy during Pope Francis’ pontificate—liturgy and sexual morality—has been said, resaid, and said again. Yet I am unaware of any article, lecture, or book dealing with one core error behind restrictions on the Tridentine Mass, attempts to all but impose concelebration upon priests, and tolerance of sexual immorality.

The error at issue is quite straightforward: lack of due regard for the institutional nature of the Church and of marriage combined with exaggerated concern for “community” and “relationships.”

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