By Sister Isabelle, OCD, Carmelite Sisters of the Most Sacred Heart of Los Angeles
*For more on how Mother Luisita lived mercy and love, see her collection of letters in From A Mother’s Heart.
Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, I place my trust in YOU! These are the last words that our religious family says together each night as we kneel before Jesus in the Tabernacle. Kneeling with Mary at the foot of the Cross, with our arms outstretched in a position of total abandonment to the One we know loves us, we entrust all of you, our families and friends, and the whole world to the merciful Heart of Jesus. As we draw near to Divine Mercy Sunday, let us take a moment to enter into the Heart of Jesus together and let His love and mercy wash over us.
Dear tender hearted Savior, You never let the cries of Your children go unheard. We thank You and praise You for coming to comfort us in our sorrow. Your amazing love for each one of us carried you through the darkest days of your time on earth. Please, dear Lord Jesus, fill us to overflowing with Your merciful love for one another, that we can spread Your light to all we meet. This is at the core of what it means to be a daughter of Mother Luisita. Mother taught us to root ourselves deeply in the love of Christ and to thus let His love flow through us to all we encounter. We spend our lives pouring His love out upon humanity through our life of prayer and service.
Mother Luisita was often seen kneeling for hours before the Sacred Heart of Jesus truly present in the Most Blessed Sacrament. In the hard times she experienced during the Mexican revolution when the churches were closed and the frequent reception of the sacraments was impossible, Mother’s love for Jesus and her trust in Him grew. …
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