Pope Francis Fixates on ‘First World Problems’ of the Prosperous and Privileged, While the World Is on Fire, by Jason Scott Jones

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Pope Francis during his November 26 Angelus, with the IV connection showing. Video screenshot

By Jason Scott Jones, The Stream, December 21, 2023

Jason Jones is a film producer, author, popular podcast host, and human rights worker. He is president of the Human-Rights Education and Relief Organization (H.E.R.O.), known for its two main programs The Vulnerable People Project and Movie to Movement. His latest book, The Great Campaign Against the Great Reset, will be released in Spring 2024.


Every Christian baptized is called to be “priest, prophet, and king.” As a Catholic I believe that this is true in special way for pastors, bishops, and most of all the pope. A prophet, I’ve always been taught, is a person who speaks God’s truth in and out of season, even when it is unpopular and especially in defense of the most vulnerable. He isn’t someone who tickles the ears of the privileged and flatters their sense of invulnerability. He certainly isn’t a coward who carefully minces words when he should be speaking up for the meek and the persecuted.

That’s why I’m on many levels scandalized by the example of Pope Francis. The latest Vatican action, making room (with some Jesuitical caveats) for blessings of same-sex couples, has stunned and traumatized serious believers around the world. As John Zmirak wrote here, this Vatican action will open up Catholic clergy to legal persecution (like Christian bakers and wedding planners), stripping them of a key First Amendment defense. …

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