Pope Francis, Sexual Revolutionary, by James Bogle

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By James Bogle, One Peter Five, September 11, 2023

Pope Francis? A sexual revolutionary? Surely not?

We know he’s not good but isn’t that going a bit far?

Well, judge for yourselves.

A very revolutionary change, sneaked in by Pope Francis during the Covid-19 lockdown, was his Apostolic Letter Spiritus Domini of 10 January 2021, universally changing canon law for the whole Church regarding the so-called “lay institutes” of Acolyte and Lector that Paul VI first introduced (in his Ministeria quaedam of January 1973) to replace “First Tonsure,” the minor clerical Orders of Porter, Lector, Exorcist and Acolyte and the major Order of Sub-deacon.

The lay institutes were just that – “lay” and not clerical.

For the first time, ancillary service at the altar, one of the principal tasks of the clergy, was to be handed over to the laity and the minor Orders sidelined, if not, indeed, abolished.

That immediately raised questions in the minds of many.

For example, if the roles of acolyte and lector were now open to the laity, did that also mean they were now to be open to women?

Oh, no, no, no, said numerous Curial officials, at the time, rapidly attempting to re-assure traditionalists who feared that the change was a very serious break with Catholic tradition (which, of course, it was!).

No, no, that could never happen. The Pope would not allow it.

And so it was… at least up until the pontificate of Pope Francis.

Continue reading at One Peter Five