President Trump Was Right: Democrats Support Infanticide and Abortions Up to Birth, by Tim Graham

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By Tim Graham, LifeNews, Sept. 10, 2019

WASHINGTON, DC“Independent fact checkers” like Glenn Kessler at The Washington Post love counting up when Donald Trump repeats something he flagged as False.

So what happens when fact-checkers keep repeating their own canards? See PolitiFact during President Trump’s rally in North Carolina on Monday night.

They can’t stand when Trump mocks the Democrats as radical on abortion, like in this passage:

PRESIDENT TRUMP: Virtually every top Democrat also now supports late-term abortion. [Booing] Ripping babies straight from the mother’s womb, right up to the moment of birth. [Booing] And if you look at Virginia, the governor of Virginia, he was even talking about essentially, you would say an execution. He was talking after the baby is born, the doctor will talk to the mother and they’ll make a decision as to whether or not that baby lives. This is a radical Democrat idea! That’s why I’ve asked Congress to prohibit extreme late-term abortion because Republicans believe that every child is a sacred gift from God.  ….