Founder’s Quote
September 3, 2022Fr. John Zuhlsdorf: 13th Sunday After Pentecost: “Unclean! Unclean”
September 5, 2022
By Mark Alexander, Patriot Post, Sept. 2, 2022
Biden is projecting and blame-shifting his most dangerous socialist/fascist inclinations to his opponents.
“To make progress, we have to stop treating our opponents as our enemies. They are not our enemies, they are Americans. They are Americans.” —President-elect Joe Biden, November 7, 2020
As you recall, in Biden’s inaugural remarks in January 2021, his repeated theme was “unity,” but unity was intended to mean “conformity” — and if you don’t conform with the Left’s agenda, you are a deplorable enemy of the people.
Democrats have never been “unifiers” and it is disingenuous at best, to suggest otherwise. They are the undisputed masters of hate and division, and their political fortunes are completely dependent on creating discord. Biden has been dividing America for more than 50 years. …
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