Project Veritas Uncovers Massive Voter Fraud Operation in Minneapolis Connected to Rep. Ilhan Omar, by Al Perrotta

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By Al Perrotta, Managing Editor, The Stream, September 29, 2020

Al Perrotta is the Managing Editor of The Stream and co-author, with @JZmirak, of The Politically Incorrect Guide to Immigration….

You hear a lot of folks say voting fraud is a myth. Like Big Foot. Unicorns. The Tooth Fairy. Just something Republicans harp on as a way to suppress the vote. Or, more ominously, for Donald Trump to remain in power even after an election defeat.

On Sunday evening, Project Veritas released footage demonstrating a massive voting fraud operation in Minneapolis run by associates of Squad Member Rep. Ilhan Omar. This includes video of one of the perpetrators —in a video he himself posted — boasting of his crime. “All these here are absentee ballots,” ballot broker Liban Mohamed says, flipping through stacks spread in his car. “Look at these, my car is full. My car is full.”

The 16-minute expose also includes undercover video of a ballot harvester explaining the reach of the operation, how voters are shaken down for their ballots, and ordered to vote a certain way. ….
