‘Real Enemy is Humanity Itself’: Exposing the Occult Roots of The Club of Rome’s Climate Agenda, by Frank Wright

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Global environmentalism is a dangerous cult whose claims of apocalypse, and of the efficacy of the solutions technology presents, are as fantastical as the beliefs which inspired them.

By Frank Wright, LifeSiteNews, Thu Mar 30, 2023 – 9:35 am EDT

Maurice Strong. YouTube/Screenshot

(LifeSiteNews) — The evidence for the influence of occultism over the global environmental movement begins with the man who is credited with founding it: Maurice Strong.

Maurice Strong was a Canadian oilman, a rich entrepreneur whose involvement with the Club of Rome saw him rise to promote a worldwide green agenda based on fantasy, misanthropy, and the deliberate manipulation of public sentiment. He led the United Nations Environment Program, and later the World Economic Foundation. The mastermind behind the 1992 Rio Earth summit, he is credited with the creation of the phrase “climate change.”

biography on his own website proudly claims that Strong “has played a unique and critical role in globalizing the environmental movement.” …

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