Reclaiming Spiritual Wellness, by Randy Hain

Total Sellout to Beijing, by William Mahoney, Ph.D.
March 23, 2023
US Bishop Slams German Synodal Way: ‘No One Has the Authority to Change Church Teaching’, by Michael Haynes
March 23, 2023

Image credit: Photo by Simon Wilkes on Unsplash

By Randy Hain, Integrated Catholic Life, March 23, 2023

Mr. Randy Hain is President of Serviam Partners ( and is a sought-after executive coach and leadership consultant for business leaders and companies all over the country.

Randy HainI sometimes marvel at my consistency. Whenever I am overworked, worn out, and struggling to find peace, I realize that once again, I am falling into repetitive bad behaviors that are hampering my faith journey. With the help of prayer, Eucharistic adoration, Reconciliation and caring Catholic friends I pull back from the cliff and get back on the right path.

Do you ever experience this problem?

One of the supposed benefits of getting older is wisdom.  I am not sure I am any wiser, but I have tried to learn from my experiences. I know I need to identify the challenges and bad behaviors that cause me so many problems if I want to avoid getting to this place in the future.  Here is a partial list of how I often act on my “worst spiritual behavior” ….

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