Reconsidering 1/6, by Austin Ruse

Delta Triggers CDC Backtrack, Political Piggyback, by Chris Woodward
July 30, 2021
A Church Rises From the Ashes: Latin Mass Returns to Church Abandoned by Diocese in 1980s
July 31, 2021

By Austin Ruse, Crisis Magazine, July 30, 2021

Austin Ruse is a contributing editor to Crisis Magazine. His next book, Under Siege: No Finer Time to be a Faithful Catholic, is out from Crisis Publications in April. …


The day after the incursion into the U.S. Capitol, I wrote in these pages that the events that day were not part of my conservative movement. Breaking into a federal building and fighting with police is not something that our set does. I was, and I remain, appalled at what I saw.

I remain convinced there were agents provocateur present and egging folks on who otherwise would not do such things. We now suspect there were many types of them there that day, including not just Antifa but also men working with the FBI.

There was a scene in the basement of the Capitol where masked young men had surrounded Capitol Police.  …

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