Rev. Peter M.J. Stravinskas: St. Elizabeth Ann Seton, St. John Neumann, and Catholic Schools Today

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Left: Statue of St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Statue in St. Raymond's Cemetery Bronx, New York; right: Photo of St. John Neumann [Wikipedia]

What needs to be done to make our schools even more what they ought to be?

Reverend Peter M.J. Stravinskas is the editor of the The Catholic Response, and the author of over 500 articles for numerous Catholic publications, as well as several books, including The Catholic Church and the Bible and Understanding the Sacraments.


The Church in this country kicks off the new civil year with a bang as she honors, back-to-back, two of her “greats”: St. Elizabeth Ann Seton (January 4) and St. John Neumann (January 5). Mother Seton was the New York socialite of the eighteenth/nineteenth century who lost family, friends and fortune by entering the Catholic Church; she went on to become the foundress of the first female community of Religious in the United States dedicated to Catholic education (her Sisters taught me from kindergarten through fifth grade). …