Beloved Catholic actor Jim Caviezel and former Planned Parenthood executive-turned-pro-life activist Abby Johnson will be speaking at a rosary rally on Sunday, August 6 to save Ohio’s children from abortion and genital mutilation.
The rally will be held from 3 p.m. to 6 p.m. at Dorl Field in Norwood, Ohio, 10 minutes from downtown Cincinnati, and will also feature General Michael Flynn, a senior adviser of Catholics for Catholics, in addition to other prominent Christian leaders.
Catholics for Catholics’s rosary rally aims to pray for the passage of and encourage as many people as possible to vote “yes” on Issue 1, which would require a stronger majority of Ohioans to vote in favor of any new proposed constitutional amendments and could prevent the radical amendment from being passed. A special election on Issue 1 will be held Tuesday, August 8.
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