Screwtape Whispers ‘He Gets Us’ to Lure Us Away from Jesus, by John Zmirak

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Preaching-of-the-Antichrist-Signorelli-cropped-compressed. Wikimedia/public domainWikimedia/public domain

By John Zmirak, The Stream, February 15, 2024

John Zmirak is a senior editor at The Stream and author or co-author of ten books, including The Politically Incorrect Guide to Immigration and The Politically Incorrect Guide to Catholicism. His upcoming book is No Second Amendment, No First.

It isn’t just a silly video paid for by goofball Christian businessmen with more money than sense. Nor a merely well-meaning failure, intended to reach the lost and scandalized. And we can’t even write off ‘He Gets Us’ as simply one more instance of liberal Christians trying to foist the Social Gospel on us as a replacement for the Creed. It’s all of those things, but more. There’s something deeper going on throughout our culture, a temptation that threatens us all. However conservative or “based” or “red-pilled” we might think we are.

In Flannery O’Connor’s brilliant if dark Christian novel Wise Blood, the protagonist is a disillusioned former believer, who feels a messianic urge and a rage at human wickedness. But the Christians he has known have all scandalized him by their worldliness and hypocrisy. So he starts up his own “Church Without Christ,” and finds “new Jesus” in the form of a mummy he steals from a local museum. …

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