Socialists Sow the Seeds of Their Own Destruction, by Angelo Stagnaro

Broken Homes Need Church Fathers, by Sarah Cain
November 2, 2023
Five Steps to Better Parenting, by Randy Hain
November 2, 2023

Karl-Marx-Monument in Chemnitz.jpg. Wikipekia.

By Angelo Stagnaro, EWTN News,

Angelo Stagnaro (“Erasmus”) performs as a stage magician and mentalist and divides his time between Europe and North America. He is the editor of “Smoke & Mirrors,” the Net’s largest e-zine for professional magicians. …

Atheism is the best argument against communism.

‘Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting different results.’ —Rita Mae Brown

The most humorous and telling lie that atheists disseminate about communism is that the reason it has literally never succeeded is because none of them can ever get it straight.

“Well, true communism has never been truly implemented,” they will say, pretending they know the true secret to successful communism. Putting aside the inherent and obvious logical fallacy known as the “No True Scotsman” fallacy, there is zero stitch of evidence that communism has ever succeeded anywhere, at any time. Here’s a list of their top 165 obvious failures. One wonders why atheists so doggedly resist the truth of that hot Marxist mess. …

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