Bishop Joseph Strickland of the diocese of Tyler won’t back a declaration by the Texas Catholic Conference of Bishops (TCCB) that calls on Gov. Greg Abbott to lift penalties against healthcare rationing at hospitals amid the growing viral pandemic. In essence, the declaration would give hospitals carte blanche to decide who gets to live and who gets to die among coronavirus-infected patients, regardless of their reasons for choosing one patient over another.
Published Friday, the “Statement on Scarce Healthcare Resources” declares that “critical medical triage decisions are best left to the professional judgment of healthcare providers.”
“In order to encourage this sound practice of medicine, the Bishops support the Governor waiving regulations and statutes which could result in fines civil liability, and even criminal charges for decisions related to the allocation of resources during this declared disaster,” the statement continues. ….
"The bill on the left is what would've passed without Elon Musk and our voices on 𝕏. The bill on the right is what did pass." Source: Eric Daugherty (X)