Targeting Target, by William Kilpatrick

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Target_at_the_Hampshire_Mall. Wikimedia.

It would be instructive to look at the current LGBTQ+ controversies in the light of the famous Scopes Trial.

By William Kilpatrick, Crisis Magazine, Aug. 3, 2023

William Kilpatrick is the author of several books about cultural and religious issues, including What Catholics Need to Know About Islam; Christianity, Islam and Atheism: The Struggle for the Soul of the West; The Politically Incorrect Guide to Jihad; and Why Johnny Can’t Tell Right from Wrong. ….

William KilpatrickThe CEO of Target
 recently received a letter from seven state attorneys general warning that Target’s June “Pride” campaign may have violated state laws concerning child protection, parental rights, and obscenity.

At about the same time, the Michigan House of Representatives passed a “hate speech” bill criminalizing criticism of transgender ideology. It looks as though the stage is being set for a major legal clash over the LGBTQ+ movement and its effect on society.

Should, say, the Target matter come before a court (or courts), it will probably attract much attention. Interested parties will submit amicus curiae briefs, and defense lawyers will argue that the briefs sold by Target are really not that brief. …

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