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Sheen. The Remnant

By Angeline Tan, Remnant Columnist, Singapore, The Remnant, May 15, 2024

On April 10 this year, four Tibetans were arrested, detained, and supposedly beaten up by Chinese police while in detention as they had protested the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)’s land grab in Markham county in Chamdo, or Changdu in Chinese, located in the Tibet Autonomous Region, based on a report by Radio Free Asia (RFA).

Although the Chinese authorities released all four protesters on April 16, “they were beaten and tortured during detention, and one of them even has a swollen cheek,” a Tibetan source told RFA.

Moreover, since the protest, the Chinese authorities dispatched about 10 policemen to patrol the area day and night, and keep tabs on people’s activities, sources added.  …

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