Resentment is a powerful thing. Marxist revolutionaries have fostered it in the heart of followers for over a century. Few are aware that envy and resentment are also at the heart of the feminist ideology. I’ve written previously about the power of the “Gospel of Discontent.” Most believe feminism was some kind of spontaneous cultural spark necessary to recognize the humanity of women, unaware of its highly effective grooming first by socialists, then communists, and finally the New Left. The Marxists saw the ease with which they could manipulate the emotions of women to be a highly effective force for their communist revolution.
Betty Friedan, credited with founding feminism’s second wave with The Feminine Mystique, isn’t widely known for her Marxist roots. I chronicle these in my book, The End of Woman, but it is thoroughly detailed by her friend Daniel Horowitz in Betty Friedan and the Making of “The Feminine Mystique.” …
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