The Death and Resurrection of the Catholic Sense, by Kennedy Hall

Here is What I Hope Laudato Sí 2.0 Will Say, by John M. Grondelski, Ph.D. 
August 25, 2023
Founder’s Quote
August 25, 2023

[Photo: Eucharistic reservation during the Chartres Pilgrimage]

By Kennedy Hall, Crisis Magazine, Aug. 25, 2023

Kennedy HallMany readers of Crisis Magazine are likely of the opinion that World Youth Day was a total disaster. I believe Peter Kwasniewski’s description of it as “World Profanation Day” was perfectly adequate, and Austin Ruse’s heartfelt telling of his daughter’s traumatic and sorrowful experience at the event pretty much sums it up.

Not to spend too much time rehashing what happened at that hopefully-soon-abolished event, but if you forgot, aside from the immense opportunity for sacrilege during the open-air liturgy, at one point a priest who is also a techno DJ serenaded the kids with syncopated rhythms that would be most effective in torturing a terrorist at Gitmo if played on repeat. …

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