The midterm election is now well behind us, and the statisticians have calibrated the Catholic vote. Perhaps the busy reader would like an abridged summary: There is no Catholic vote. Why?
By Peter Maurice, Crisis Magazine, Jan. 17., 2023
Peter Maurice, a native of New Orleans, is a retired teacher of French, English, and humanities, all levels from elementary through university. He is the recipient of several fellowships from the National Endowment for the Humanities to participate in summer seminars for school teachers. …
If you love our country, you probably dread our government—and pay your taxes, grudgingly, knowing how they will be squandered on wars abroad and subversion of good order at home.
If you read this publication regularly, it’s likely you love the Church and support it financially. But my guess is that it is not the USCCB that inspires your generosity. Its cooperation with the current regime on issues like health care and immigrant resettlement swell their coffers, not the pews. You might wonder how it is possible for a Catholic, with even distracted awareness, to vote for the enemy of his faith. The USCCB might have done a little more to dispel the distraction. …