The Decline of Western Civilization in 10 Pictures

Jesus and His Captors
March 1, 2018
Revisiting Catholic Social Teaching
March 1, 2018

By Stephen M. Klugewicz, The Imaginative Conservative

Without any ado, here are ten pictures that convey how far Western Civilization has fallen over the last centuries.

1. Mozart conducting one of his own settings of the Mass, circa 1780; modern church service with rock band


2. Crowd watching baseball game, early twentieth century; crowd watching baseball game, early twenty-first century


3. St. Andrew, crucified for preaching the Gospel in defiance of Roman authority; Timothy Cardinal Dolan with President Barack Obama, a vocal supporter of partial-birth abortion


4. St. Vitus Cathedral (Prague), built in the fourteenth century; Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels (Los Angeles), built in 2002


5. Renaissance sculpture “Perseus with the Head of Medusa,” by Benvenuto Cellini (Florence, Italy); modern sculpture, “Male/Female,” by Jonathan Borofsky (Baltimore)


6. Lecture, medieval times; modern lecture


7. Leonardo Da Vinci”s “Mona Lisa” (1506/1517); Willem de Kooning’s “Woman III” (1953)


8. Popular music composer of the late nineteenth century; popular music composer of the late twentieth century


9. Bestselling volume of the seventeenth century; bestselling volume of the twenty-first century


10. Young men in the city, 1940s; young men in the city, modern times


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Stephen M. Klugewicz

Stephen M. Klugewicz

Stephen Klugewicz is editor of The Imaginative Conservative. He is the former executive director of the Collegiate Network at ISI and of the Robert and Marie Hansen Foundation and has long experience in education, having been president of Franklin’s Opus, director of education at the National Constitution Center, and headmaster of Regina Luminis Academy. He holds a Ph.D. in American History, with expertise in the eras of the Founding and Early Republic. Dr. Klugewicz is the co-editor of History, on Proper Principles: Essays in Honor of Forrest McDonald and Founders and the Constitution: In Their Own Words.