The Dictator Pope’s Latin American Coup, by Joseph D’Hippolito

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Former President Bill Clinton was received by Pope Francis at Casa Santa Marta July 5.  Vatican Dicastery for Communication

By Joseph D’Hippolito, The Stream, July 6, 2023

Joseph D’Hippolito has written commentaries for such outlets as the Jerusalem Post, the American Thinker and Front Page Magazine. He works as a free-lance writer.


Joseph D'HippolitoIn a recent four-week period, three events showed how Pope Francis holds no respect for Christian doctrine, faith or practice. Even worse, these events reflect the pope’s desire to redefine the Catholic Church in his own image.

First, Francis showed that he rejects Jesus’ command to “make disciples of all nations.” Next, the pope celebrated an artist who created a shockingly blasphemous work. Finally, Francis cracked down on an American bishop who resists LGBTQ activism.

Converts? We Don’t Need No Stinking…

On May 29, during an audience with members of the Barnabite order and its lay supporters, the pope demonstrated his contempt for evangelization by telling a brief story from his days in Argentina. In that story, the future pope met and talked with a wealthy woman who bragged to him about converting two children. …

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