Joannie WatsonSome weeks, the connection between the Sunday Mass readings is obvious.  Perhaps the Old Testament reading is a clear foreshadowing or example of typology for the Gospel reading. Or all the readings point to a common theme, like the importance of a calling. Looking over the readings for this coming Sunday (Fourth Sunday of Lent, Year C), nothing immediately caught my attention. So I sat with them awhile.

In the first reading from the book of Joshua, the Israelites have just crossed the Jordan River into the Promised Land. It is the first month of the year, Nisan, and the people kept the Passover on the 14th day, as commanded by the Lord. This is the third Passover celebration. The first was in Egypt; the second was while wandering in the wilderness (Numbers 9); the third is here, just after crossing the Jordan (on dry ground, similar to the crossing of the Red Sea). …

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