The Fruits of Environmentalism and of Social Justice (Part 1), by Theodore Misiak

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St. Francis Statue Trees. (Image: Grant Whitty/

Authentic Catholic environmentalism is rooted in the moral life, our telos and our relationship with God.

Theodore Misiak has a Ph.D. in Economics and many years of experience in both business and academia.


An emerging trend among Catholic institutions of higher education is to see themselves as direct agents of social justice. Many host social justice events, institute policies such as socially responsible investing and promote awareness of issues such as poverty and climate change. While there is nothing wrong with these activities per se, they often deemphasize the Church’s teaching on social justice. There are many unique attributes to Catholic social teaching. In this set of articles I shall focus on two, which are how Catholic Social Teaching helps leads us to Christ and the role of the virtues in acting justly in the world.

Two popular movements spreading among Catholic universities are the Laudato Si’ and the Economy of Francesco (EoF) movements. (The “Francesco” refers not to Pope Francis, but to St. Francis of Assisi.) To repeat, it is good to work for the protection of the natural environment and for the economic betterment of people. As Catholics we should wholeheartedly support these goals. A reasonable question to ask, however, is whether Catholic universities are working toward these goals in a way consistent with the Catholic teaching. …

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