The Gift a Newborn Brings, and How It Shows the Worth of Every Child’s Life, by Tom Gilson

The Thomas More Society: Biden HHS Would Force Christian Hospitals to Abort Babies
July 14, 2023
Carmelite Sisters: Flos Carmeli (Flower Of Carmel)
July 14, 2023

Photo by Mikael Stenberg on Unsplash

By Tom Gilson, The Stream, July 11, 2023

Tom Gilson (@TomGilsonAuthor) is a senior editor with The Stream and the author or editor of six books, including …


Tom GilsonMy heart almost stopped. I’d never felt anything like it, never even imagined it.

My wife and I were away for almost two weeks in June and July, visiting our grandchildren and of course their parents and other family members, hundreds of miles from our Ohio home. Our granddaughter was just six weeks old, barely over 8 pounds. She was sleeping in the crook of my arm. It was the first time I’d held her.

My daughter, her husband, and his parents were there in the room. Somehow the topic of abortion came up in conversation. They’re all believers in Christ, each of them as conservative as I am both spiritually and politically, so this was no family debate or any such thing. My daughter said something I’ve heard and said many times before, but this time it got my attention like never before: that it’s just “wrong to kill babies.”  ….

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