Third-secret-of-fatima. Source: Secret No More, by Jimmy Akin, March 16, 2019
By Maurice Williams, Catholic Stand, May 13, 2023
In previous articles, I pointed out two occurrences that have greatly impacted our world. In this article I look at another occurrence – Fatima.
The two occurrences I wrote about previously were: 1) the ancient Israelites losing their position as God’s chosen people when they encouraged Rome to crucify Christ, and 2) how those who formed their own churches unconnected to the Church Jesus established fairly quickly caused the spread of hundreds of conflicting creeds.
By failing to heed our Mother’s exhortation at Fatima, the Catholic Church lost out on an offer by God to convert Russia and stop the spread of Communism. Instead, we let Communism spread – and we failed to avoid a second world war. …