The Letter Kills, the Spirit Vivifies and the Synod Pollutes, by Borgo Pio

The Not So Strange Death of Religious Liberty, by Darrick Taylor
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Cardinal Gerhard Müller: If I Could Advise Bishop Strickland, He Should Definitely Not Resign
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By Borgo Pio, L’Ottobre Della Bussola, September 20, 2023

Over 300 members who will travel, talk, and in short emit Co2. In view of the meeting, the General Secretariat takes action by self-imposing a green penance.

The commitment to safeguard Creation of the XVI ordinary general assembly of the Synod of Bishops : is the title of a short statement just issued by the General Secretariat of the Synod in view of the meeting which will open on 4 October at the same time as the announced publication of Laudato yes 2.0 .

In short: such a crowded Synod will have a fair environmental impact (and not only) but «the General Secretariat of the Synod intends to make its contribution to the protection of creation through a form of compensation for the residual CO2 emissions produced by the next XVI General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops”. Well, of course: the members of the assembly have to travel from all over the world to reach the city, not to mention the huge emissions linked to logistics. If the synod fathers (or synod mothers, synod brothers and sisters) were to get excited in the debate, try to imagine the Co2 produced by over 300 mouths. ….